I first came into contact with the flora of the park when I did rolly-polly down the banks. The grass always appeared soft and comfortable.
Then I started to inter-act with the flowers, the first being the buttercup which my parents held under my chin to see if I liked butter. Then on to making daisy chains which I wore around my neck and like a tiara on my head.
One flower that puzzled me was the dandelion. Told not to pick them when in flower as “they make you wet the bed” but allowed to pick them when they had gone to seed so we could tell what time it was.
Then I started to inter-act with the flowers, the first being the buttercup which my parents held under my chin to see if I liked butter. Then on to making daisy chains which I wore around my neck and like a tiara on my head.
One flower that puzzled me was the dandelion. Told not to pick them when in flower as “they make you wet the bed” but allowed to pick them when they had gone to seed so we could tell what time it was.
Of course the park has many varieties of flowers but the special ones for me were the English bluebells in the wood that I thought the fairies made their skirts from. It is still lovely to see the wood anemones pure white flowers herald the coming of Spring.
Red and white campion and occasionally ragged robin can be seen on the bank at the side of the woods.